Md. Mahedi Hasan Apps

Age Calculator 1.0
This is very simple application forcalculating age by given date of birth using date picker. It isalso able to calculate age for any reference date ( suppose youneed to calculate your age in a particular dated you simplycalculated it from date option and select reference date by datepicker.)
BUBT 1.0.3
This is unofficial release of BUBT apps basedon basic information about BUBT and all of the information collectfrom the BUBT website.I hope users are benefited to find some sort of information veryquickly e.g:1. Basic Information of BUBT2. Number of Department3. Faculty's Information (Students are know the difficulties whenneed to submit assignment to a faculty how tough to knowinformation about her/him e.g: Name spelling, designation, email,phone etc.)4. Online notice board (Specially I made this apps based on ideafor online notice board to quickly find update notices on one clickthat now very tough for mobile Internet user got notice from BUBTwebsite.)5. Result6. Class Routine7. Google map location etc.